API Wizard Customer Email Preferences
You are receiving messages from API Wizard because your company is a licensed API Wizard customer. If a particular email that you received didn't apply to you, please consider staying on our list to be updated regarding areas that are relevant to you.
API Wizard is a cross-functional product, it has pre-built solutions in Financials, HR, Manufacturing, Inventory Mgmt, Order-to-Cash, Supply Chain, EAM, Projects, and more.
You can choose to opt out of particular message types or from all messages that might include advertising. We do not send many emails each year. Our current email schedule is as follows:
Communication Type Frequency
Customer newsletters Twice per year
Free Training invitations Four times per year
Promotions Once per year
Special (re: COVID) Twice per year (2021 only)
To opt out, please enter the information below: