Create and Maintain Oracle Suppliers
Use API Wizard to quickly and easily create and maintain your Oracle EBS and Oracle Cloud Apps (Fusion) Suppliers (vendors), Supplier Sites, and Bank information using API Wizard's simple Excel user-interface.
Work that takes hours in the Oracle forms can be done in minutes! Stop toiling in the Oracle forms and do your Oracle work the smart and easy way!
High Level Overview of Supplier Process:
Create and update suppliers, sites, and bank accounts in one Excel worksheet
Fuzzy logic ability to find 'similar' suppliers to avoid duplicate entry
Create sites across operating units in one worksheet (if user has proper access)
Enforce data entry rules such as entering certain fields in all CAPS
Process unlimited number of suppliers at one time
Process unlimited number of sites per vendor
Process unlimited number of banks at any level (supplier, site, address, address/ou)
Enforces full Oracle validation - same as if working in Oracle forms
Supports additional business specific validations
Works with flexfields, regional fields, etc
Can load Supplier and Site Attachments

Governance and Control
Users login with Oracle or SSO credentials
All access controlled with responsibilities / roles
Follows all Oracle security rules
All data processing through Oracle Public (supported) APIs
100% supported by Oracle
All records indicate who created (Created By) and last updated (Last Updated By)
Detailed Auditing allows capture of all data changes